!±8± Rapid Reel Two Wheel Garden Hose Reel Cart Model #1043-GH

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$199.99 | Post Date : Sep 10, 2011 11:14:31
Usually ships in 24 hours Rapid Reel Model 1043-GH is the next generation of the popular Rapid Reel Garden Hose Reel Cart. New larger frame, heavier brass swivel, New braking system, and Comfort grip handles. This model is designed especially for those who demand durability and portability. A rugged frame and wide wheel base makes the Rapid Reel Model 1043-GH extremely stable, and tip resistant. This stability also allows the reel to be elevated to a comfortable, back-saving height for easy rewinding. The balanced design delivers ultra-easy mobility. Backed by our industry leading 10 Yr No Leak, No Rust, No Break Guarantee, and unparalleled customer service.
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